Saturday, July 9, 2011

[FunOnTheNet] Still Photos With Subtle Motion


Inspiring Cinemagraphs

Still Photos With Subtle Motion

A Wonderful World. It's still yet it's moving, it's silent yet it's thought-provoking. It's the beauty of cinemagraph. (Image source: From Me To You)

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Can You Smell Them? I can't really smell them, but I can feel that it's hot and delicious! This is what cinemagraph can do, strengthens the expression of a photo. (Image source: From Me To You)

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Cheers. Endless wine with endless elegance, achieved by cinemagraph. (Image source: From Me To You)

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Coco Takes Manhattan. If you cannot capture wind, make a cinemagraph to get people feel it. (Image source: From Me To You)

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Delicious Bacon. Believe me, cinemagraph will be the next big thing for food advertising. (Image source: Vickan Flickan)

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Endless Time. Time is endless, so is cinemagraph. (Image source: Tilen Sepic)

 Cinemagraph: 28 Still Photos With Subtle Motion

Have A Bubbly Weekend! The moving effect has grabbed all you focus to the wine, showing you the attention-grabbing power of cinemagraph. (Image source: From Me To You)

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Have An Adventurous Weekend. By simply moving some grasses, the entire photo has brought back to life completely. (Image source: From Me To You)

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He Swept Her Away. Amazed by the dynamic of the swinging dress, simply cool. (Image source: From Me To You)

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How He Passed The Time. Cinemagraph can not only give you the feel of wind, but also the feel of speed. (Image source: From Me To You)

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Infinite Coke. Where can I buy this coke? I will pay any money for it. An interesting effect achieved by cinemagraph to confuse your mind. (Image source: Superwhite)

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It's My Birthday. Oops, don't scroll down too fast or the candle will be blown away! Revive your most lovely moment with cinemagraph. (Image source: From Me To You)

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Joel Naughgle Of Devil At My Doorstep. Professional output with lively portrait, a very great attempt from David Tribbly. (Image source: Tribby)

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Mouse Is Always Busy. Is he browsing the Hongkiat? Perfect cinemagraph that captures the life of a computer addict. (Image source: Superwhite)

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Paint It On. Beauty needs patience. (Image source: From Me To You)

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Prabal's Beauty. Inspiring and lively at the same time, demonstrating how cinemagraph can be the best piece in your portfolio. (Image source: From Me To You)

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Slide To Unlock. How many times you unlock iDevice a day? A common activity made interesting by cinemagraph. (Image source: Superwhite)

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Smoke 'n Models. Now I will call this professional, both makeup artist, photographer and cinemagrapher. (Image source: From Me To You)

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So Tasty! How fresh it is! A tasty cinemagrah made for online grocery site, Gilt Taste. (Image source: From Me To You)

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Spinning Coffee. Very nice attempt from Editor Simon, I like the peaceful feel of the entire photo, and the motion part has really strengthened the feel. (Image source: Editor Simon)

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Sweeping Moments. Great collaboration between model and cinemagrapher, I believe more models will want to have a cinemagraph as self portrait, it's simply more attractive. (Image source: From Me To You)

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The Never-ending Commute. The moving train really adds to the epicness of this photo. (Image source: From Me To You)

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Yuki. Its name is Yuki, an animal brought back to life by cinemagraph. (Image source: kirk7784)

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