Saturday, July 9, 2011

[wastewatts] Re: Texaranaka, Texas, KOH


--- In, Maud Essen <maud@...> wrote:
We've been seeing that the
> restaurants that are in trouble cut costs by reducing the amount of
> frying they are doing and by changing their oil less often. So that
> reduces both quality and quantity from the biodiesel homebrewer's
> perspective.
I have noticed this, oil that tilerated at 1.2 to 1.5 now tilerating at 3.5 . I think the best of mine is the lake. Renders, those that buy , do not want his, because he refuses to seperate the food grade cleaning solvent from the oil . I simple seperate it, and then reuse some of the solvent for cleaning barrels, or what ever . Example, I picked up a place yeserday, sluge in the bottom of the barrel. I poured in about 5 galons of solvent. It will loosed the slug, and I will simple pour it into a bucket, or suck it out.
Slug is another reason I got the high end place on the lake. With the other pick up services, he must use his greese pit, then pay a high cost once a year to clean out the sluge. But I will pick it up in jugs, saving him that cost. But I agree with you, a balancing act. And although I do not se it happening anytime soon, I do wish , I had high mile per gallon vechiles, and did not have to drive so far. But that is the price for rural living. Bill C

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