Wednesday, August 17, 2011

[FunOnTheNet] Skydiving Dog...


 Skydiving Dog...


When pugs fly... Meet Otis the parachuting pooch who loves going 'walkies' in the air


Last updated at 10:15 AM on 17th August 2011

Otis the parachuting pug has proved he's truly a leap above his canine chums after enjoying his 64th tandem skydive.

Fearless Otis went barking mad for skydiving since his first jump many years ago say staff at the Lodi Parachute Centre in Acampo, Los Angeles.

The ten-year-old dog wears specially-made 'doggles' to protect his eyes and sits calmly on his owner Will Da Silva's lap as the plane takes them up to around 3000ft before every leap.

Pug's away: Fearless Otis flies through the air on his 64th skydive

Pug's away: Fearless Otis flies through the air on his 64th skydive

Will said: 'He seems to love it.

'He's totally aware of what's happening when he free falls and just like a first-time jumper he gets all excited about it and gets nervous at the door.


    'Once he's out though he's just having a ball like a dog with its head out of the car window.' 

    Plucky Otis grew at the Parachute Center and when he's not flying he spends his time chasing airplanes and scrounging food from his fellow skydivers.

    He has now become a bit of a celebrity within the skydiving community and people come from across America to jump with him.

    No fear: Otis remains relaxed on the ride up as he gets ready for another leap

    No fear: Otis remains relaxed on the ride up as he gets ready for yet another leap

    Down boy: Back on terra firma after another pawfect landing

    Down boy: Back on terra firma after another pawfect landing

    Will insists it isn't cruel, claiming Otis is a really happy dog and is well aware what is happening before every jump.

    When he's strapped into the harness he isn't the slightest bit concerned and remains so relaxed he often falls asleep on the plane ride up.

    After coming down to earth after his 64 jump Otis wriggled out of the harness, shook himself off and made a few victory laps around the lawn.


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