Thursday, August 18, 2011

[wastewatts] P.I.


Just back from a tour in the central pacific (Saipan).  My fiance is from the Philippines so I get the low-down on what is going on over there.  Your assessment of utility service in the Philippine Islands (PI) is dead on and it is not getting better.   Take note that water service is also sporadic and what comes out of the tap is not fit for consumption.   The government there (as it is on Saipan) is rife with rapacious greed, corruption and nepotism.   As with most organizations, 'leadership' starts at the top and it's example works it's way down.  Kidnappings of westerners is are now becoming endemic.   Recent changes in PI law make it very difficult for you to defend yourself.  You will not be allowed to own any weapons of consequence.   If you can afford it, 'hardened' Mercedes are sometimes available in Wash DC.  I have even seen a late 90's diesel S class for ~$9 grand on Craigslist (!)

Depending on where you land, a very simple WVO diesel/gen set might be cost effective for you.   Key in the cost-equation will be your ability to swing a wrench.

Best practice where I come from:
  1. 5 - 7.5 kw gen (you can size up if you really need it)
  2. Water cooled diesel engine (expensive but worth it - will explain later )  Old water cooled sheppards '7' or '8' are great
  3. synthetic engine oil is an absolute must  (changing oil is a hassle in a vault.   some use compressed air and a hose arrangement to force the engine oil out of the engine at maint time
  4. discharge exhaust into a separate under ground vault (small, two chamber)   This makes it damn near silent
  5. cement underground vault (quiet and provides security for your 'stuff')  You need to design with maintenance in mind.  Make sure you can get to those valves for adjustment and other stuff
  6. radiator brought above ground w/electric fan 
  7. biocide is really important in warm climates
  8. There is trade off between fuel retention and oil rot.   you will find your balance.   I had 750 gallons of storage and never used nearly all of it
  9. underground conduit wires to your home (copper theft is huge).
underground means quiet.  This is important for 2 reasons.  If theives cannot hear it, they won't know it's there.  Second - I hate listening to the things and they are  DEAD quiet underground   Fuel supply, filters and radiator are above ground.   If you get a monster radiator (from a truck or a larger stationary diesel), you will not need the electric cooling fan as it is a hassle to set up.  The thermostat takes a little longer to hit it's stride with this arrangement but since the thing is running all the time, it is not much of an issue. 

You will need to develop a relationship with restaurants or other institutions for oil supply.

anyway, food for thought.   Been out there....   it's a trip.


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