Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Re: [wastewatts] Solar roi


Yea that's what I was thinking. I've been there 3x and have had brown/black outs every time. 3days was the longest. They also have a rainy season so not sure how solar would preform in the monsoons but I have 2 listeroids I was planning on taking the 10/1 with me. And selling the 20/2 being much closer to china there I'm hoping to get solar panels for considerably less than the cost here. 

Thank you
Bob Calvert

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On Aug 17, 2011, at 20:30, "sspence" <> wrote:


A ground source heat pump is much more efficient than an air source heat pump. They can run off solar, but it requires a pretty big array. $0.26 / kWh is moderately high, but the brownout issue should seal the deal.

Steve Spence
Director, Green Trust

> -------Original Message-------
> From: Robert Calvert <>
> To: <>
> Subject: [wastewatts] Solar roi
> Sent: 17 Aug '11 10:11
> I'm considering retiring to the Philippines with my wife it's still a few
> years off. I'm looking into things and electricity is as expensive as it is
> here on Long Island about $.26+ per kwh I'm seriously considering solar the
> biggest usage would Likly be ac. Nit sure if geothermal cooling would work
> there yet. At the $.26 per kwh how would I figure if the roi would be worth
> while. Also they have lots of brown/black outs there so thats also a major
> consideration.
> Thank you
> Bob Calvert
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